The Content Conundrum: From Crickets to Cheers with My “Pick My Brain” Sessions

The Content Circle Founder sitting at desk

We’ve all been there. Scrolling through social media, mesmerized by content that just pops. You know, those posts that make you stop, smile, and instantly smash that “like” button. They’re witty, engaging, and leave you thinking, “Man, I wish I could do that!”

But then you glance at your own feed. It feels lost in a sea of sameness, no matter how hard you try. You post consistently, you’ve got your hashtag game on point, but the engagement? Crickets chirping louder than a summer night. And those follower numbers? They’re just vanity metrics, not the kind of connections or leads that make a real difference.


Ever spend an hour crafting a witty post, only to be met with the deafening silence of crickets in your comments section? You know the drill: scrolling through social media, mesmerized by content that just hooks you in. The kind that makes you stop, smile, and instantly click “like.” You find yourself thinking, “Why can’t I do that?”

Maybe your feed feels lost in the sea of sameness, no matter how hard you pour your heart and soul into it. You post consistently, diligently research relevant hashtags, but the elusive engagement? Nowhere to be found. And those follower numbers that initially excited you? They’ve plateaued, becoming a constant reminder that these aren’t real connections, leads, or the growth you craved.


Worse still, you’ve tried it all. E-courses promising content gold, endless blog posts dissecting algorithms, maybe even consultations with social media gurus – hundreds, maybe even thousands invested, with nothing to show for it. Discouragement starts to creep in, threatening to extinguish your social media spark and replace it with a heavy dose of “ugh, what’s the point?”

BUT HOLD ON, THERE’S HOPE! That’s where my “Pick My Brain” session comes in, a lifeline designed to yank you out of the content creation doldrums and propel you towards social media success.

Here’s the truth bomb: Your content struggles aren’t a reflection of your creativity or hustle. They’re often symptoms of a deeper problem – a lack of strategic direction. Sure, the internet offers a buffet of content creation “hacks,” but without a personalized roadmap, you’re essentially throwing darts in the dark, hoping to hit the engagement bullseye.

Enter the “Pick My Brain” session. It’s not another cookie-cutter course promising instant results. It’s a collaborative brainstorming session, tailored specifically to YOU and your unique brand. For two power-packed hours, we’ll dive deep into the heart of your social media woes.

Let’s unpack what that means:
  • We’ll dissect your brand identity: Who are you, what makes your voice sing, and what sets you apart from the competition in your crowded niche? Uncovering these core elements is essential for crafting content that resonates with your ideal audience, not just any audience.
  • We’ll analyze your current content strategy (or lack thereof): Don’t worry, judgment-free zones are my specialty! We’ll take a deep dive into your existing content, identifying what’s working, what’s falling flat, and where the hidden gems lie.
  • We’ll brainstorm content that converts: Forget the generic “inspirational quotes” and tired trends. We’ll work together to develop engaging content formats that not only resonate with your audience but also move them down the sales funnel.
  • We’ll craft a personalized content calendar: Gone are the days of scrambling for last-minute post ideas. We’ll create a strategic content calendar tailored to your specific goals and ideal audience, ensuring consistent engagement and growth.
  • We’ll tackle your social media anxieties: Fear of not being “good enough” or feeling overwhelmed by the ever-changing social media landscape is real. During our session, we’ll address these anxieties head-on, equipping you with the confidence and tools to conquer the content game.

Why do we even care about content strategy?

By the end of our “Pick My Brain” session, you’ll walk away with a clear roadmap to content success. You’ll have more than just a list of content ideas – you’ll have a strategic plan that leverages your brand’s unique voice, connects with your target audience, and attracts the kind of followers you’ve been dreaming of.

But wait, there’s more! This isn’t a one-time fix. You’ll also receive a personalized action plan to help you implement our strategic approach with ease. Think of it as your social media cheat sheet, a reference guide to propel you forward even after our session ends.

Look, I get it. Social media can feel overwhelming, especially when you’re pouring your heart and soul into content that doesn’t seem to resonate with your audience. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

My “Pick My Brain” session is designed to empower you to take control of your social media narrative. It’s your chance to discover the content creation magic within you, and unlock strategies that will finally see you break free from the land of crickets.

Ready to transform your social media presence from crickets to cheers? Schedule your “Pick My Brain” session today.


woman playing with hair - Content Strategist at The Content Circle

About me

Meet the Mind Behind the Magic

work smarter not harder might be my next tattoo.

I’ve navigated the diverse realms of business, just like you. From ditching the teaching path because the traditional classroom setting wasn’t my jam to jumping into entrepreneurship at 21. I’ve worn ALL the hats of a solopreneur and freelancer, and now, my goal is to guide you on how to sidestep burnout, drawing from my own mistakes so you don’t have to make them.

woman standing confidently in room - Content Repurposing at The Content Circle

Shontelle Nicole here, your resident content bestie and cheerleader extraordinaire! Feeling like your content creation is stuck in a chaotic loop? Dreaming of a strategic plan that lets you ditch the stress and actually enjoy creating content? (Been there, done that, got the social media burnout T-shirt!)

Well, buckle up, because I’ve got some juicy ways to dive deeper into the world of content creation that doesn’t make you wanna pull your hair out.

1. Weekly Content Inspo Drip Anyone? Every week, I deliver a juicy dose of content management tips straight to your inbox. Subscribers rave about it (seriously, someone called it “game-changing”).

2. Let’s Work Together. Don’t let content creation become your nemesis! I offer a variety of content management services, from crafting website content that converts to streamlining your email marketing. (Think of me as your content creation fairy godmother!) Let’s chat about how I can help you create content that gets results and frees you up to focus on what you love most in your business.

3. Dive Deeper With My Blog. Think of my blog as a treasure trove of all things content management. From strategy secrets to killer content ideas, you’ll find everything you need to become a content creation rockstar. (No clickbait here, just pure content gold!) Browse my most popular posts and get inspired to create content that wows your audience.

4. Say Goodbye To Content Crickets 🦗 Want to banish content anxiety and finally silence those crickets in your social media feed? (We’ve all heard them!) My comprehensive social media content guide is the ultimate antidote! This bad boy is a treasure chest overflowing with over 205 social media ideas designed to grab attention, spark conversations, and turn your followers into raving fans.

5. Craving a Content Mentor? Need a guiding hand as you navigate the content creation journey? (Consider me your big sis in the content biz!) Imagine having one-on-one strategy sessions with me, where we’ll build a content strategy that drives results for your solo business. Intrigued? Read all about my “pick my brain” strategy sessions in this post😏 (yes click it girl) and let’s unlock your content creation magic!

Ready to connect and conquer content creation together? Shoot me a DM on IG or email me at [email protected] 

revamp & reimagine

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